“Empowering Experience”, a special event by Simonelli Group for its partners.

During the World of Coffee (Milan, June 23-25), Simonelli Group organized a special event dedicated to its partners in the HQ. “We’ve called this journey Empowering Experience – said Marco Feliziani, Vice President of the company. “It was an excellent opportunity to share information and to show new business opportunities by joining special sections dedicated to new products and technologies”. During the two days-long journeys, Simonelli Group partners had the opportunity to visit the HQ and to know in preview all the details about the scientific research around the Pure Brew.

“New trends and new consumers are driving coffee consumption worldwide. As Simonelli Group, we adapt to the changes and are careful with business growth”, Marco Feliziani said.

Find out more about the event Empowering Experience by watching this video:

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