SDA Bocconi honoured Simonelli Group with the first prize of Best Performance Award 2022/2023. The awards ceremony was held in Milan last week; on that occasion, Simonelli Group won first prize in the “Medium Company” category.
A total of more than 600,000 companies took part in the competition for the 2022/2023 Award, which this year was focused on the theme of “Doing Things Well” – a business that generates value and social wellbeing: commitment and constant attention towards the people management and social aspects of doing business to create shared wellbeing that is accessible to the community.
The Best Performance Award, which is now in its sixth year, is an annual prize created by SDA Bocconi in partnership with PwC Italia, EQT private equity fund, Bureau Van Dijk, Havas PR Milan, Banca Mediolanum and Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.

The award is dedicated to those Italian businesses that stand out for their excellence in sustainable development, which guarantee a corporate continuity with regard to the human and environmental dimension through a constant commitment towards technological innovation and the generation of shared values.
It is aimed at Italian businesses with a turnover of between 15 million and 5 billion euros, which are subdivided into three categories (Small, Medium and Large), which every year are evaluated by the SDA Bocconi team and its partners on the basis of performance criteria that regard: EBITDA, revenue growth, CapEx/Total assets ratio, PFN/EBITDA ratio lower than 3.
Apart from the economic and financial criteria, the selection of participating companies was also measured in terms of their capacity for technological innovation and their actions having a social or environmental impact.

The first place won by Simonelli Group among the businesses in the Medium category recognises the historical attention given by the Marche-based company towards the local area and people, and that accompanies growth that is robust as well as being harmonious and lasting.
In the words of Fabio Ceccarani, Simonelli Group CEO, “having excellent economic and financial performance is important. How that is reached is just as important”.
For Simonelli Group, this prestigious recognition represents another important step in the path of growth that leverages sustainable innovation along with the drive to pursue integration with local stakeholders as a strategic business asset.