Download the article from Espresso ideas that explains Simonelli Group’s environmental, social and economic approach to sustainability.
Environmental sustainability is no longer a choice, it is a duty. Committing to saving the planet above all means respecting future generations by leaving them a healthy world. Companies also have to play their part. This is why Simonelli Group, for some time now, has been strengthening its relationship with research centres and universities to study and apply new technologies, new materials and new solutions that can continue to reduce the environmental impact of espresso coffee machines.
For Simonelli Group, the theme of sustainability represents a real strategic asset, a driver of growth for the creation of value. This is fully described in a double article in the last issue of Espresso Ideas. The article, which you can download here, explains Simonelli Group’s commitment and approach towards integrated sustainability, which is not only “green”, but which envisages three areas of intervention: environmental, social and economic.
Enjoy the article!